Tigray State is the social, memorable and religious focal point of Ethiopia. It is the source of the antiquated Axumite Kingdom which was thrived from first century BC-seventh century AD.
Besides,Tigray has amazing landscape,beautiful mountains, monol-ithic pillars, old graves and tombs, antiquated compositions and in excess of 200 shake cut temples. Accord ing to the Tigray Culture and Tourism Bureau, the greater part of the stone slashed temples was accepted to be worked in the fourth century, amid the Awash National Park Tour.
Numerous wonderful shakes cut houses of worship and cloisters are found in the eastern zone of Tigray, in Kilte-Awlaelo and Hawzen Woreda. Abraha weAtsibha, Cherkos Wukro, Abune Yemata and Abune gebremichael are among the most stunningly curved shake cut places of worship in the zone. The congregation is discovered 17 km from northwest of Wukro town. It has tremendous cruciform inside, ostensibly the biggest of all the region's shake slashed houses of worship. It has likewise incredibly engraved roofs being bolstered by thick columns and brightened curves.
The congregation contains a few old ancient rarities like the brilliant shoes of King Atsbaha and a lot of original copies and divider works of art. The memorable church was assaulted by Queen Yodit Gudit and numerous ancient rarities were scorched. The consuming sign is as yet seen in the dividers.
Another great shake slashed church is Abune Gebremchael. It is worked at the highest point of Gheralta Mountains. It is discovered 18 Km far from Wukro, capital of Kilteawlaelo Woreda. The congregation has awesome artistic creations and paintings.
Abune Yemata is another breathta-ruler shake slashed church which is found in Gheralta Mountains. Since it is 7 meters sheer precipice, it would be intense for vacationers to climb, except if they be involved of moving up mountains. More often than not vacationers are encouraged to utilize ropes to reach at its highest point.
Finally, Cherkos Wukro ought not be overlooked as a standout amongst the most very recognized magnum opuses of old building style. It is solid shake cut church which is discovered 500 meters of Wukro town. It is the main perceived shake slashed church in the territory being accounted for by British endeavor driven by General Napier in 1868, while attacking Ethiopia to discharge those Britons abducted by Emperor Tewodros II. It was worked in remembrance to the kid saint Kiricus of Tarsus of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church. As it is discovered 59 Km to Mekelle, the capital of Tigray state, it is extremely open to guests. The congregation has obvious indication of harm on its roofs which was accepted by neighborhood customs that it was stripped and consumed by famous Muslim pioneer Ahmed Gragn in the 16 centuries.